Steve has helped develop, produce and conduct highly-effective training programs for virtually every major powersports manufacturer and many industry suppliers. His highly-interactive programs are designed to promote learning retention.

Many of our OE clients have discovered the benefits of providing Dealer Operations education to upper management as well as internal and external dealer support staff.

Understanding the day-to-day challenges that dealership owners and staff encounter helps create empathy and improved communications with your dealer-clients. It also helps you develop more effective and realistic support programs and processes. These can improve relations with your dealers leading to increased product sales. The end results often include improved end-user satisfaction with your company and your dealers, which increases customer loyalty and retention.

With many years of personal experience as an OE Field Service Advisor and as an OE DSM, Steve has the front-line background, intimate knowledge of dealer operations and credibility to develop and conduct effective training programs for OE sales & support staff as well for as your dealer networks.

His programs and training materials can produce significant improvements in your dealer network’s sales, service & PG&A operations resulting in increases in both sales and customer satisfaction.